Così fan (quasi) tutte A fantasy play on the Mozart's death with a double sourprise final.
Giacomo Pedini biography: Born in Assisi (1983) frequented for two years the "Teatro di sacco" Laboratory with Roberto Biselli and three years theatral laboratorye of the Liceo “G.Alessi” (Perugia). Gratuated in Lettere to the Pavia University (maximun votation cum laude) as student of the Almo Collegio “Borromeo”. he graduated at the Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori. Still at the University of Pavia, under the guidance of Prof. Renzo Cremante he has achieved the PhD, discussing in 2012 a thesis on the scenic and literary reception in Italy of Attic tragedy in the nineteenth and twentieth century. By taking into consideration some cases in the modern and contemporary ages, he is author of essays on the topic of the relations between the language of theatre and the one of literature, at the same time with some openings on the front of the relationship between theatre and teaching as well as between theatre and politics. In this regard, they can be remembered: Appunti sul “regista-professore”: Squarzina in Università (2014), Note intorno alla poesia per attore: versi a Gustavo Modena (2012), Fantesche, dame e regine. Due esempi di fenomenologia del femminile «en travesti»: Leone de’ Sommi e Flaminio Ariosti (2011). Since July 2014, he is a member of the editorial board of the online international journal «Studi giraldiani. Letteratura e teatro», directed by Irene Romera Pintor and Susan Villari, published by the Dipartimento di Civiltà Antiche e Moderne of University of Messina. He has constantly supported the analyses on history of theatre and literature with practice on the stage. Since 2007 he has collaborated, as an assistant director first and then as second director, with Prof. Claudio Longhi. So he worked for some of the major Italian theatres, including Teatro Stabile di Torino, Teatro di Roma, Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione and Teatro della Toscana. Among the shows he took part as assistant: La folle giornata o Il matrimonio di Figaro (2007), La resistibile ascesa di Arturo Ui (2011, ANCT Award as best show of the year), Prometeo (2012). Since 2012, in addition to assistance, he has also undertaken the coordination of theatrical projects and of theatre education (both for pro and for general audience). Among the theatrical projects we can mention: Il ratto d'Europa. Per un'archeologia dei saperi comunitari (2012-2014, ERT Fondazione and Teatro di Roma, Special Ubu Award 2013), Beni Comuni. Un teatro partecipato per una cultura condivisa (MIBACT-Comune di Carpi, in collaboration with ERT Fondazione and ATER) and Carissimi Padri... Almanacchi della “Grande Pace” (1900-1915) (2015-2016, ERT Fondazione and Fondazione Teatro della Toscana). In terms of training for pro he was educational coordinator of advanced course Raccontare il territorio. Per un'idea di teatro condiviso (2013-2014, CUBEC-Accademia di Belcanto di Mirella Freni, ERT Fondazione and Regia Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna). He currently collaborates with the Scuola di teatro “Iolanda Gazzerro” - laboratorio permanente per l'attore of ERT Fondazione. Now he is professor by contract tu the Bologna University. Hi wrote for the father Carlo the texts of the operas “Il Miracolo” (2001) and “Così fan (quasi) tutte” (2002).